The way we talk to our child becomes their inner voice .

~ Peggy O'Mara ~

Hypnosis for children

Hypnotising a child is much easier than an adult. This is due to the fact that a child – until the age of 6/7 – is naturally found in the Alpha state. Alpha characterises a calm state of consciousness, that is particularly found during a light meditation or relaxation session.

This doesn't mean that the child is always calm, but that he still lives with one foot in the imaginary world. He knows that his imagination is not reality, but he gives equal importance to both. This is what makes him more receptive to hypnosis than adults, as it involves exploring an unknown world, his inner world, without worrying about whether what he perceives from his subconscious is plausible or not.

Teenagers are much like adults, but still remain more open and flexible in their mind, and therefore easier to hypnotise too.

One can hypnotise a child from 2 years, when they understand the language and know how to speak.

It is still possible to communicate with your child before the age of 2, and even when he or she is in the belly of the mother. For this, I will hypnotise one of the parents, and it is the parent who will come into contact with the child and be able to communicate with him or her.

The types of hypnotic sessions for children can be divided into five basic categories. They are:

1. Habits or behavioural patterns:
Bed-wetting, nail biting, overeating, having sleep problems, sucking the thumb...

2. Fears:
Fear of animals, to be abandoned, the dark, doctors, monsters, injections, storms, exams...

3. Behaviours:
Lack of politeness, throwing fits, telling lies, fair play (sportsmanship), stealing, being cheeky to the parents...

4. Achievements:
Cleaning their room, get good grades, read, do homework, play sports...

5. Self-image:
Feelings of guilt, happiness, nightmares, self-confidence, stuttering, tic disorders...